After Sales Services
Ensuring the extension of the lifetime of your electronic products, GPV aftersales offering covers a broad range of services to match your needs – from repair and maintenance to end-of-life management.
Apart from engineering and manufacturing services, we offer a wide range of services to strengthen your product in the market. We help you to define product maintenance cycles, tackle component availability issues, resolve obsolete technology design challenges, minimise breakdown occurrence risks, avoid downtime and to increase overall product lifetime – and at the same time saving the environment. So that you can focus on your core business.
Maintenance services
Preventive maintenance can help you avoid up to 30-40% of repairs. Preventive maintenance helps you to minimise the risk of breakdown occurrences and avoid downtime of your products.
Repair services
Spare part manufacturing services
Obsolescence management services
The lifecycle of electronic components is often shorter than the lifetime of their systems, and to address this challenge, the GPV Obsolescence Management for components ensures the availability and process capability of electronic components over the entire product lifecycle.
We have a standardised process for all your necessary actions, providing extensive insights to minimise business impact and obsolescence costs. Further component lifecycle-related trend predictions and risk observations help you focus more on core business operations, fulfil customer obligations, and guarantee product longevity.