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windmills, green energy

Setting the course for greatness in the EMS industry

We have great ESG ambitions rooted in the core principle of ‘DoMoreWithLess’ that build on our significant achievements in 2016–2020.

The promise of more

Our promise of helping our customer accomplish more guide our initiatives and ambitions for the future of electronics manufacturing. With specific 2028 plans in place, we work with the promise of more.

To do more.
To grow more.
To do more with less.
To handle more.
And to be more than just a workplace.

esg ambitions, sustainability, plant

More sustainability

We have set plans in motion to reduce GHG emission intensity by 70% by 2028 (scopes 1+2) from a 2020 baseline.

More safety

We are working on KPIs for welfare and positive impact for next generations.

capacity utilisation

More capacity utilisation

We are developing KPIs for greater capacity utilisation, including recycling goals.

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