Site Engagement Meeting for the German and Nordic sites

This week, the local management teams from the five Nordic and the German Operating Business Units gathered at the GPV Electronics DK factory in Aars, Denmark. This is the second site engagement meeting this year where the GPV Executive Leadership Team meet with local management teams to discuss site-specific achievements and challenges, future business improvements and further optimising, and share best practices.
“Upon the merger, coming together as One Company is not just about uniting two businesses. It also means sharing valuable knowledge and learning from each other – across sites, cultures, and people. The site engagement meeting is a valuable tool in this process of understanding what we do, how we do it, and what we can do better to ensure the highest service to our customers, even in times of change. The meeting also serves as a platform for building relations, ensuring values alignment, and getting inspiration from each other. The past two days have been very productive, and it has been a pleasure to meet with our colleagues from Scandinavia and Germany,” says Bo Lybaek, CEO at GPV.
Next Site Engagement Meeting will be held in Slovakia during June 2023.
Learn more about our sites here.